
Korean kimchi, often simply referred to as kimchi, is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented vegetables, most commonly Napa cabbage and Korean radishes, combined with seasonings like chili peppers, garlic, ginger, and salt. It is a staple in Korean cuisine and is enjoyed as a side dish or incorporated into various recipes.

The process of making kimchi involves salting the vegetables to draw out excess moisture, then mixing them with a paste made from seasonings and allowing the mixture to ferment over time. The fermentation process not only preserves the vegetables but also develops complex flavors and beneficial probiotics.

There are many different varieties of kimchi, with regional variations and family recipes adding to the diversity of flavors and ingredients.


Some common types of kimchi include:

  1. Baechu Kimchi: This is the most common type of kimchi, made with Napa cabbage. It's often spicy, tangy, and slightly sweet.
  2. Kkakdugi: This kimchi is made with cubed radishes instead of cabbage. It has a crunchy texture and a refreshing, slightly spicy flavor.
  3. Oi Sobagi: Also known as stuffed cucumber kimchi, this variety features cucumbers that are filled with a spicy kimchi paste.
  4. Gat Kimchi: This kimchi is made with mustard greens, giving it a slightly bitter and peppery flavor.
  5. Chonggak Kimchi: Made with small radishes, chonggak kimchi has a unique crunchy texture and a slightly sour taste.


Kimchi is not only delicious but also nutritious, as it is rich in vitamins, fiber, and probiotics. It's often served as a side dish alongside rice and other Korean dishes, but it can also be used as an ingredient in soups, stews, pancakes, and more.

Overall, kimchi holds a significant cultural and culinary importance in Korea and has gained popularity worldwide for its bold flavors and health benefits.


Here is the recipe of how to make Korean Kimchi.




  • 1 large Napa cabbage (about 2 pounds)
  • 1/2 cup coarse sea salt
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 3 tablespoons fish sauce or soy sauce for a vegan option
  • 1/2 cup Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru)
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • 1 medium carrot, julienned
  • Optional: 1 daikon radish, julienned



  1. Prepare the Cabbage:
    • Cut the Napa cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the core.
    • Chop the cabbage into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Salt the Cabbage:
    • In a large bowl, dissolve the sea salt in water to create a brine.
    • Submerge the cabbage pieces in the brine and let them soak for 2-3 hours, tossing occasionally to ensure even salting.
    • After soaking, rinse the cabbage under cold water to remove excess salt. Drain well and set aside.
  3. Make the Kimchi Paste:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine the grated ginger, minced garlic, sugar, fish sauce (or soy sauce), and Korean red pepper flakes. Mix well to form a paste.
  4. Mix the Vegetables:
    • In a large bowl, combine the rinsed cabbage, chopped green onions, julienned carrot, and daikon radish (if using).
    • Add the kimchi paste to the bowl and toss everything together until the vegetables are evenly coated with the paste.
  5. Ferment the Kimchi:
    • Pack the kimchi mixture tightly into clean glass jars, pressing down firmly to remove any air pockets.
    • Leave some space at the top of the jars to allow for expansion during fermentation.
    • Close the jars loosely with lids or covers.
  6. Fermentation Process:
    • Let the jars sit at room temperature for 1-2 days to kickstart the fermentation process.
    • After 1-2 days, taste the kimchi. If it has reached your desired level of fermentation, you can move it to the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process.
    • If you prefer a stronger flavor, you can let it ferment at room temperature for a few more days, tasting it periodically until it reaches the desired taste.
  7. Storage:
    • Store the fermented kimchi in the refrigerator, where it will continue to develop flavor over time.
    • It can be kept for several weeks to months in the refrigerator.
  8. Enjoy:
    • Serve your homemade kimchi as a side dish, topping for rice or noodles, or as a flavorful addition to various recipes.


Homemade kimchi is delicious and versatile, and once you've mastered the basic recipe, feel free to experiment with different vegetables and seasonings to create your own unique variations.


The Aperol Spritz is a popular Italian cocktail known for its bright orange hue and refreshing taste. It's a light and bubbly drink that's perfect for sipping on warm summer days.



Before moving on to main recipe here is one fun fact about the Aperol Spritz.

It has a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century in Italy.

The Aperol Spritz as we know it today was born in the 1950s when the Aperol brand, produced by the Barbieri company, became widely available. However, the concept of mixing Aperol with soda water and wine has much earlier roots.

In the 1800s, in the Veneto region of Italy, it was common for people to enjoy a similar drink called the "Spritz," which consisted of white wine diluted with sparkling water. Over time, this cocktail evolved, and in the 1920s and 1930s, the addition of liqueurs like Aperol or Campari became popular, adding a unique bitterness and complexity to the drink.

The Aperol Spritz gained international recognition and popularity in the 2000s, particularly in Europe and North America, as a fashionable and refreshing cocktail. Its vibrant color, bubbly texture, and balanced flavor profile made it a hit at outdoor gatherings, brunches, and cocktail bars.

Today, the Aperol Spritz continues to be enjoyed around the world, especially during the summer months, as a symbol of leisure, relaxation, and the joy of socializing with friends and family. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and the delightful experience it offers to those who savor it.



Now let's find out how to make Aperol Spritz.



  • 3 parts Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine)
  • 2 parts Aperol (an Italian herbal liqueur)
  • 1 splash of soda water
  • Ice
  • Orange slice or twist, for garnish



  1. Fill a Glass with Ice:
    • Start by filling a wine glass or large goblet with ice cubes. This will help keep the drink cold and refreshing.
  2. Add Aperol:
    • Pour 2 parts of Aperol over the ice in the glass. Aperol has a distinctive orange flavor with hints of herbs and spices.
  3. Add Prosecco:
    • Next, pour 3 parts of Prosecco into the glass. Prosecco is a light and bubbly Italian sparkling wine that adds effervescence to the cocktail.
  4. Top with Soda Water:
    • Add a splash of soda water to the glass. This helps balance the sweetness of the Aperol and adds a bit of fizziness to the drink.
  5. Garnish and Serve:
    • Give the cocktail a gentle stir to mix the ingredients together.
    • Garnish the drink with an orange slice or twist for a pop of color and extra citrus aroma.
    • Serve immediately and enjoy your refreshing Aperol Spritz!


The Aperol Spritz is known for its vibrant orange color and its bittersweet flavor profile, making it a delightful and easy-to-make cocktail option for any occasion. It's often enjoyed as an aperitif before a meal or as a refreshing drink to enjoy with friends and family. Cheers!



Roti Prata, also known as Roti Canai, is a popular flatbread dish that originated in southern India but is widely consumed in several Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It's a versatile and delicious dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, as a snack, or as part of a main meal.

The dough for Roti Prata is typically made from flour, water, egg, and sometimes condensed milk, which gives it a slightly sweet flavor. The dough is kneaded until smooth, then stretched and folded repeatedly to create layers. It's then cooked on a flat griddle or pan with oil or ghee until crispy and golden brown on the outside.

Roti Prata is often served with a variety of dipping sauces, such as curry, dal (lentil soup), or sugar. It can also be filled with ingredients like egg, cheese, onions, or meat to create different variations.

Overall, Roti Prata is loved for its crispy texture, flaky layers, and versatility, making it a beloved street food and restaurant favorite across Southeast Asia.

Here is the recipe of How to make Roti Prata.



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup condensed milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons ghee or melted butter
  • Additional ghee or oil for cooking




  1. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, salt, and sugar. Mix well to ensure the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  2. Add Wet Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the water, condensed milk, egg, and melted ghee or butter until well combined.
  3. Combine: Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the wet ingredients into it. Using a spoon or your hands, gradually incorporate the wet ingredients into the dry until a dough forms.
  4. Knead: Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for about 5-7 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a little more flour.
  5. Rest: Once kneaded, form the dough into a ball and place it back into the mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
  6. Divide and Shape: After resting, divide the dough into smaller portions, about the size of golf balls. Roll each portion into a smooth ball and then flatten it with your hands.
  7. Stretch: Heat a flat griddle or non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Take one flattened dough ball and stretch it as thinly as possible without tearing. You can use your hands or a rolling pin for this step.
  8. Cook: Once stretched, add a little ghee or oil to the hot griddle or pan. Place the stretched dough onto the griddle and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.
  9. Serve: Remove the cooked Rotti Prata from the griddle and place it on a plate. Repeat the process with the remaining dough portions. Serve the Rotti Prata warm with your choice of dipping sauce or curry.



Enjoy your homemade Rotti Prata! It's delicious on its own or paired with your favorite curry or side dish.



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